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    Magnetic Memphis

    Logistical advantage draws business

    The FedEx Express Super Hub, located in Memphis, Tenn., has become a magnet for businesses, reports The Wall Street Journal on July 10, 2007 (full story). Because locating in Memphis means close proximity to this central air hub, companies can receive electronic orders from around the country late into the night, and still be able to provide next day service because instead of 9:00 p.m. shipping deadline, they have until 11:40 p.m. The paper cites the Memphis Regional Chamber, which says more than two dozen small businesses have either expanded to or relocated in Memphis over the past two years. In addition to FedEx, DHL, a unit of Deutshe Post AG of Germany, also has a hub in Memphis. Similar benefits draw businesses to Indianapolis (another main FedEx hub) and Louisville, Ky., where UPS has its air hub. Companies seeking such logistical benefits include legal and technical document reproduction companies, and even biotech companies. GEO


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