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    Honchos> At Comerica, $202,928 in Country Club Fees

    Country club initiation fees tend to be one of those closely held secrets that rarely see the public light. While it’s easy enough to compare greens fees online, especially at public or semi-private courses, initiation fees are next to impossible to find, especially at the most exclusive country clubs. After all, as the saying goes, [...]

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    Honchos> At Southern Union, a President With Ties to a Law

    When Eric D. Herschmann was named last May as president and chief operating officer of Southern Union, a Houston-based natural gas company, he continued to be a partner at the law firm of Kasowitz, Benson, Torres & Friedman. Southern Union also happens to be a very good client of the law firm, where Mr. Herschmann [...]

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    Honchos> Ponying Up for Politics at Halliburton

    Some companies frown upon their top executives getting too entrenched in politics. But Halliburton actually seems to be encouraging political giving, by matching top executives’ contributions to an in-house political action committee with donations to nonprofits.In the proxy that the company filed Monday, Halliburton disclosed it had spent $

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    Honchos> $175,800 in Tax Help for XTO Energy’s Chairm

    April 15 is a week away, which means there’s lots of last-minute number crunching going on. And as we’ve noted before, chief executives lead complicated lives when it comes to their personal finances. Even so, the disclosure that XTO Energy made regarding the financial consulting and tax preparation expenses for its chairman and founder, Bob R. [.

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    Good Times

    5 Texas Triangle metros dominate Forbes best cities list

    Urban observer and researcher Joel Kotkin assembled a list of the best U.S. cities for job growth Forbes magazine and his blog NewGeography.com. Competition was tough since the entrants included 336 cities but Texas came out smelling like roses... yellow roses in fact. Out of the hundreds of cities, Texas and, particularly for large cities, the Triangle region took home most of the top spots.  .:.

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