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    Updates for Week of 02/07-02/14

    Happenings in the Texas Triangle, the megapolitan region consisting of Houston, DFW, Austin and San Antonio.

    1. DealFlow> TXCO Resources [San Antonio] reviewing strategic alternatives <http://tinyurl.com/txtriangle0936>
    2. Honchos> Billionaire R. Allen Stanford [Houston] possibly under investigation by SEC <http://tinyurl.com/txtriangle0933>
    3. Energy> Feast and famine for ethanol producers <http://tinyurl.com/txtriangle0931>
    4. Boom, Crash, Presto> Creative Class' Richard Florida envisions how crash will reshape U.S. and Texas <http://tinyurl.com/txtriangle09301>
    5. Who Shot J.R.?> Relive the glory days of the oil boom with a Ewing Oil ball cap <http://tinyurl.com/txtriangle0930>
    6. Energy> North Dakota could become the Texas of the Upper Midwest <http://tinyurl.com/txtriangle0929>
    7. DealFlow> MC Companies [AZ] acquires Encore Management [Arlington] <http://tinyurl.com/texasdeal0004>
    8. MicroCaseStudy> Clash of the Titans: Visualizing the growth of Wal-Mart vs. Target <http://1link.in/texastriangle-ytfev>
    9. DealFlow> Arlington Neonatal Intensive Care, P.A. [Arlington] is acquired by MEDNAX, Inc. [FL] <http://tinyurl.com/texasdeal0003>
    10. NonSequitur> A-Rod's doping explained by game theory... sheds no light on Madonna thing <http://tinyurl.com/txtriangle0927>
    11. NewCapital> Money anyone? Maverick's owner Mark Cuban [Dallas] makes open call for biz plans <http://tinyurl.com/txtriangle0928>
    12. DealFlow> ROUND2 Inc. [Austin] acquires PolymerCycle, LLC [Grand Prairie] <http://tinyurl.com/texasdeal0002>
    13. DealFlow> Boundless Network [Austin] acquires Corporate Specialities [Dallas] <http://tinyurl.com/texasdeal0001>
    14. NewCapital> Austin tech firms OneSpot and 7 Billion People haul in combined $7.2M <http://tinyurl.com/texascapital>.:.


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