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    The Growing Fog of a Growing War

    See-saw battle over gun exports to Mexico

    As reported last week, the border conflict is emerging as a major local, regional, national, and international story that puts Texas front and center. Michael Yon issued another story today, citing an article by San Antonio Express-News journalist Todd Bensman.

    The Express-News article provides the source of the statistic that 90% of weapons are coming from the U.S. Additionally the SA newspaper has  a three part series called "Texas' Deadliest Export" on gunrunning. Interestingly, the most commented story on the Express-News site is an article posted today detailing the extent of ammunition shortages in south Texas.

    Yon nicely summarizes his take by saying: "When it comes to the issue of guns to Mexico, the jury has not convened, and so it can hardly be out.  I will treat Mexico the same way I treated Iraq:  Listen to everyone; trust nothing; draw independent conclusions." .:.


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