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    TEXecutive Index

    The Lives and Times of Texas Triangle Business Leaders

    1. Adams, Wade; Chairman of the Board - Texas Nanotechnology Initiative [Austin]
    2. Ansari, Anousheh; [Dallas]
    3. Armstrong, Lance; Chairman- LiveStrong Foundation [Austin]
    4. Caster, Sam; [Dallas]
    5. Cuban, Mark [Dallas]
    6. Dell, Michael S.; Founder, Chairman & CEO - Dell Inc. [Austin] [Updated: 2/2/2009]
    7. Hamill, Denny; Treasurer - Texas Nanotechnology Initiative [Austin] [03-02-09]
    8. Haynes, Richard "Racehorse" [Houston]
    9. Jamail, Joe [Houston]
    10. Kirk, Ron; Partner, Vinson & Elkins [Dallas]
    11. Kordzik, Kelly K.; President - Texas Nanotechnology Initiative [Austin] [03-02-09]
    12. Langdale, Mark; President - George W. Bush Foundation [Dallas] [Updated: 1/29/2009]
    13. Perot, Ross [Dallas]
    14. Persinger, Terry L.
    15. Pickins, T. Boone; Founder - Mesa Energy [Dallas]
    16. Rogers, Lorene; former-President - Univeristy of Texas, Austin [Dallas]
    17. Rowling, Robert B.; Owner and Chairman - TRT Holdings, Inc.
    18. Stanford, R. Allen; CEO - Stanford Group [Houston]
    19. Susman, Steve [Houston]
    20. Wilder, John
    21. Ziegler, Jeff .:.


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