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    1. Neck and Neck> Dallas and Houston tie for 9th place on Inc. 500 top metro area list .:. http://bit.ly/S5alb
    2. Flashback... April 2009> State of Texas rejects Fed stimulus money, which gets syphoned into Cash for Clunkers program.
    3. Derailing Rail Plans> RT @alanhuynh @cleancartalk: High-Speed Trains Cost Too Much To Be Worth Building -- Harvard Prof http://bit.ly/TnpMi
    4. Keep Austin Loud> ATX's music scene cited in article on downtowns and civic hubs.:. http://bit.ly/szZXH
    5. Venture Capital Hubs> Fascinating Harvard paper on VC clusters, DFW ranked 6th, down from 1990 peak, ATX not ranked.:. http://bit.ly/2hG3rz
    6. Apples-to-Apples> Comparison of 37 different taxes on state-by-state basis, how does Texas compare?.:. http://bit.ly/3nxu0O


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